High-quality contents are not the same as a high-quality presentation of contents. When browsing a nicely prepared print material or website, one can quickly see how much effort was invested. And one knows to appreciate it. If you wish high-quality contents for you own business or your own use too - in print or online, you are at the right address.
Publishing is our domain. For over a decade, we have been publishing the best industry magazine - IRT3000. We prepare all kinds of print materials - newspapers and magazines, brochures, flyers, leaflets, boards, fair presentations ...
We regularly exhibit at fairs - at home and abroad. Every year, we organise the professional event IRT Industrial Forum. For our customers, we provide comprehensive assistance with the organisation of events or fair presentations.
We are versed in graphic design for diverse purposes. We can design the corporate identity of a company or the design layout of a newspaper or magazine. We can advise you about media choices and arrange the printing and delivery of final products. We also prepare turnkey websites.
PROFIDTP is a team of professionals joined by their passion for superlatives – in contents and design. For us, your challenges are not only work tasks, but a motive to prove ourselves. In our work, quality is the top-priority, because we know only quality is the path to your and our satisfaction.